SOLVED: Where are all my old sims, Xcode 11?
If you opened an old Xcode project in Xcode 11 and wondered where all your simulator versions before iOS 13 went, you may need to tweak the deployment target of your target.
Experienced Xcode users will be familiar with setting a deployment target for your project by clicking on the project file in the Navigator, selecting the project itself, and then changing the iOS Deployment Target here:
But with Xcode 11, there’s a second place you can set this (or, it’s moved, at the very least). Under the target you may need to set the deployment target as well, here:
Where before, we clicked on our _project_, now click on your _target_, and the General section you’ll see this at the top of the Deployment Info section. This is new (or at least, new UI).
The issue is that where you see iOS 11.0 (the minumum version of iOS I want to support), it was blank. There was nothing selected! Once I selected a minimum deployment version here, all my simulators for all downloaded iOS simulator versions re-appeared in the scheme dropdown.